The Preneur Academy Program

We believe every child has a dream and every child has the potential to be a preneur and learn the skills and ways of being of preneur that will last a lifetime. Preneurs exist in every field. There are mediapreneurs, techpreneurs, entrepreneurs, socialpreneurs. Our mission is to provide a space and framework for youth to take an idea or passion project from the imagination stage to prototype, business plan, and presentation ready to launch into action.

What is the Preneur Academy Experience?

The Preneur Academy is an 10 week blended or live program for youth ages 11-18.
In our program, youth take an idea, passion or dream and develop it through research and our iterative cycle into a “preneur” idea.

In our program you will:

  • Refine your passion or idea into a viable preneur idea
  • Create a prototype and business plan for your preneur idea
  • Learn key marketing strategies and factors to consider and define a strategy for your preneur idea
  • Learn financial literacy and skills like budgeting, price analysis and how to create a financial plan for your preneur idea
  • Develop communication skills and design a presentation and 60 second speech that slays an audience
  • Present your presentation to entrepreneurs and celebrate your success
  • Discover next steps to launch your idea to the world.

The Preneur Academy includes:

  • 8 hours of live classes online or in person depending on location
  • 8 Preneur assignments to complete at home (approximately 1 hour each)
  • 1:1 coaching sessions
  • Graduation Celebration Showcase
  • Certificate & Badge for Social Media
  • Invitation to join the Elevate Dreamers Community to continue the journey for support for 3 months ($595 value)
  • Access to all learning materials online

The Preneur Academy Framework

 ScheduleLearning StrandsInquire or ChallengeCreate


Week 1Orientation

What is an Entrepreneur?

What is the mindset of an  Entrepreneur?

The  Mindful Grit Mantra (MGM)

2 “preneur” Ideas

Week 2Design Thinking & Idea GenerationWhat is my greatest passion?Final  Preneur Ideas
Week 3 Vision StatementWho is your client?Vision Statement



Week 4 Understanding the market/SWOT Analysis

Who are my competitors? 

Is my idea unique to the marketplace?

Marketing Research
Week 5Opportunity Analysis What is my minimum viable product/service?Draft#1 Prototype
Week 65 Ps of MarketingWhat strategies can I use to sell my product/service?Social Media Swagalicious Posts


Week 7BudgetingWill I make money with my product/service?Budget
Week 8Design Thinking & Finessing the  Business PlanWhat’s in a successful Business Plan?Business Plan
Week 9Captivating PresentationsHow do I tell a story that connects with  my  audience?Draft Presentation
Week 10         Next stepsHow do I create partnerships and build a network?Advisory Board
CelebrateGraduationPresentationsInvitation to Join Elevate Dreamers Community Certificates & Social Media Badges

Sign Up for the Elevate Dreamers Note

Our weekly note is a roundup of important ideas, strategies and resources that inspire and serve youth to be creators of change, and designers of their future in an ever-changing world.

Yes! I want my kid to think like a Preneur

I would love to send you a power strategy that you can implement now that will develop the entrepreneurial mindset in students or your own scholar that they need today and tomorrow!

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