Empowering Next Generation Leaders to seize their dreams now
Young entrepreneurs ages 11-18 join our programs to learn how to take their ideas to the next level. We also provide coaching, workshops, and professional development for schools/organizations that strive to be trailblazers of change in their communities.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. Harriet Tubman
Welcome to Elevate Dreamers.
Take the Growth Scale Assessment to diagnose your biggest problem in business and find out how to solve it.
Elevate Dreamers is an organization designed for the leaders of tomorrow!
Young entrepreneurs ages 11-18 join our programs to learn how to take their ideas to the next level. We also provide coaching, workshops, and professional development for schools/organizations that strive to be trailblazers of change in their communities.
Young, budding entrepreneurs ages 11-18 join our programs to learn how to take ideas to the next level.
Schools and organisations that strive to be trailblaze and innovate in their communities embark on our designer professional development offerings that challenges, and equips teams to lead youth in developing their talent and key 21st century skills that make a difference.
We offer coaching, workshops, and year-long professional development that is tailor made to meet the unique demands and desires of your learning community.

Why we do this work?
World Economic forum
International Baccalaureate
Why We Empower
We now live in a world that’s fueled by technology and innovation in all mediums. Society communicates differently than when school systems were originally crafted so we must adapt.
Young entrepreneurs need to learn early the rules of cultural competency, collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving. They are the leaders of tomorrow and Elevate Dreamers wants to ensure they’re ready for this new world.
They’ll become brilliant creators of knowledge – not just avid consumers.
Research supports that the 4th industrial age requires students to inhabit a more advanced set of skills to succeed. Business and educational leaders have developed a list of those assets which we instill in our programs.
We successfully build children up with the tools they need to nurture an agile mindset. Regardless of the interests they choose or the profession they will eventually go into, our curriculum is designed to propel them forward.
This puts them on an accelerated path to success with a mind equipped to build a more sustainable world.
Our Impact
Elevate Dreamers believes the most effective way to develop the youth is to implement change from all angles. We must allow them to pursue passion projects early and nurture budding ideas into entrepreneurial endeavors.
Students – The Preneur Academy is a gateway for children to pursue passion projects/ideas that transform into business plans and prototypes. All while gaining a supportive community aimed for success!
Schools/Organizations – They benefit from consulting, coaching, and workshops in key areas with research-based practices that will elevate educators by delivering amazing results in student learning, engagement, and ownership!
A Note from Our Founder
Margo Martin | Founder of Elevate Dreamers
“A dream deferred is like a raisin in the sun.” – Langston Hughes
My passion for this program and our future leaders is without bounds. Every student and leader deserves a space and nurturing support to pursue their dreams now! My experience in several entrepreneurial endeavors starting at 11 years old, as well as three businesses of my own, fuel my excitement and unyielding belief that learning an entrepreneurial mindset is essential for youth today.
My entrepreneurial journey developed in me numerous ways of being, mindful grit, confidence as well as technical and financial literacy shaping me into a leader and innovator. Despite the great schools I attended, this classroom experience only took me so far. This is the case for many youth today. Schools are bombarded with competing curriculum obligations leaving and little time for kids to nurture creative, passion projects as entrepreneurial endeavors. My first entrepreneurial experience at 11 years old changed how I saw the world and the possibilities for my place in it forever.
My journey has led me to be an award-winning educator, international educational leader, coach, entrepreneur, and author.
I believe every kid needs a opportunity to explore their passions from ideation to prototype – this is what happens at the Preneur Academy.
I’ve teamed with my most influential entrepreneurs, MBA leaders, and educators to create The Preneur Academy. We’re ready to share our expertise and start elevating our future dreamers!
Listen to the Podcast
The Hello Seven Podcast is like going to Money Church and listening to a sermon that lights your heart on fire. New episodes drop weekly. You need this in your life.
When you hang out with successful, ambitious women, the golden-money-dust rubs off on you! Roll with us and get million dollar ideas for free.
Business strategy is not one-size-fits-all
The Hello Seven Growth Scale Framework identifies where you
fall on one of seven levels — from $0 to 7 figures — and lays out
the specific action steps you need to take to grow from one levelto the next.
What level are you at? And what does that mean for you and the future of your business?

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Get launch announcements, invitations to free webinars, and curated resources of important ideas, strategies and resources that inspire and serve youth to be creators of change, and designers of their future in an ever-changing world.